these wild days
these wild days
How to Hike
with Kids
How to Hike
with Kids
Expect keiki to pack and carry a small backpack with basic necessities.
Expect keiki to pack and carry a small backpack with basic necessities.
Start small and repeat your favorite hikes to build up your keiki's confidence.
Start small and repeat your favorite hikes to build up your keiki's confidence.
Work together to make
up names for specific sections of familiar hikes e.g. stairway to heaven, green hallway, etc.
Work together to make
up names for specific sections of familiar hikes e.g. stairway to heaven, green hallway, etc.
Encourage keiki to explore the landscape & their bodies--balance, climb, etc. so long as it's safe.
Encourage keiki to explore the landscape & their bodies--balance, climb, etc. so long as it's safe.
Expect to stop and play along the way. Let your keiki experience with all of their senses (so long as it's safe). You too!
Expect to stop and play along the way. Let your keiki experience with all of their senses (so long as it's safe). You too!
Keep taking them out--even 15-20 minutes is a great start! One day you could be on a 9 hour adventure here:)
Keep taking them out--even 15-20 minutes is a great start! One day you could be on a 9 hour adventure here:)