As I entered my second trimester of this last pregnancy I was introduced to a book that has now become my postpartum bible. Written by Heng Ou, The First Forty Days–The Essential Art of Nourishing the New Mother has completely transformed the way I approach this sacred fourth trimester. The book centers upon the following Five Insights: retreat, warmth, support, rest, and ritual.
1.RETREAT: “Draw the circumference of your world in closer.”
First and foremost, the book wholeheartedly advocates for a solid lying in period. It calls for dialing back most all activity–both physical and mental. As someone who is always on the go I anticipated that this would be the greatest challenge for me so I slowly started retreating during the final weeks of my pregnancy. I spent more time journaling, reading, and resting. I began acknowledging and honoring this call to stay home.
I also approached the nesting stage of pregnancy more intentionally than I ever had before. Beyond organizing and tidying the house for a homebirth, I reimagined our common spaces using the word “retreat” to guide me. I knew that the majority of my labor and my postpartum time would be spent in the living room thus I focused on creating a space that invited both relaxation and joy (for all ages).

2.WARMTH: “Conserve, protect, and replenish your life force.”
Neruda was born at the end of February which usually means cooler and wetter weather here on Kaua’i. Thus seeking warmth has come naturally to me during this season of healing, during this season of compensating for the loss of excess blood volume after birth. I’ve accomplished this with three basic tools–blankets, tea, and bone broth.
First, we store a basket of blankets right next to the couch. I’ve been loving on our Mexican blankets from Gunn & Swain. They’re the perfect weight for our tropical winter and they come in all sorts of beautiful patterns and colors. As for tea, I’m still devouring cup after cup of Earth Mama Organic’s Herbal Tea–check out the Raspberry Leaf Tea, the Periodic Tea, and the Milkmaid Tea (scroll down for a discount code).
Last but not least, I am living off the medicinal bone broth from Kauai’s own Bone to Be Wild. In addition to warming my body from the inside out, every sip feels so darn nourishing. Rightfully so, as the longer cooking time allows the collagen and the minerals in the bones and tissues to dissolve into the stock.
According to Heng Ou, “a sip of this hot and savory liquid will replenish lost energy and bring back some of your power. Time slows down a little. Muscles relax. Heat returns. Everything feels doable again.” I’ve been warming up and drinking two 12-ounce servings a day, just sipping on them solo has been a comforting treat for body and soul.
*Bone to Be Wild is now shipping throughout Hawaii, California, Arizona, Nevada, and Washington!
Bone To Be Wild
3.SUPPORT: “Receive help from your ‘village’ so you can give fully to baby.”
Without a doubt, the most wonderful blessing we’ve received since baby Neruda has arrived is the organization and fulfillment of a meal train. Every night around 5pm dinner for our entire family is dropped off at our house. On some days we’ve even received midday deliveries of fresh produce, homemade tea blends, and scrumptious desserts.
With our first babe we had a traditional registry but for the other three it’s been replaced with a meal train organized by friends. When we are gifted a meal we are also gifted more family time together–it’s a priceless gesture that transcends beyond physical nourishment. Less meal planning, shopping, and preparation means more time for all of us to get into a new groove of life with sweet Neruda.
Baby Sister Bliss
4.REST: “Create conditions within and without for good sleep and repair.”
They always say “sleep when the baby sleeps” and for the first time in my life I’m trying my best to heed this advice at least twice a day. The first is in the mornings, I try to stay in bed with her until she is ready to wake up for the day. Next, I strive to share an afternoon siesta with Neruda each day. Easier said than done as I’ve gone nearly 35 years underestimating the need for rest and recovery.
Rest and Recovery
What’s been a tremendous help is having a partner who is on board with The Five Insights of The First Forty Days. After I finished reading the book, Daniel reviewed specific sections that I flagged for him. Honestly, now he’s the one who singlehandedly facilitates an environment ripe for rest and recovery. On top of managing the basic needs of our oldest three keiki, he has gone above and beyond to make these 40 days of sacred healing possible.
He’s always ready with a warm drink and/or a bite to eat for me. He warms my towels in the dryer and wraps me up after every shower. He will often remove all distractions from my reach so that I can rest. These are just a few of the countless ways Daniel supports my quest for solid sleep and repair every single day.

5.RITUAL: Honor the significance and sacredness of this time.”
This is day 12 of 40 and so far my mind has been fully devoted to the baby and our family. While I’ve started to piece together Neruda’s birth story, I haven’t put anything on paper quite yet. Truth be told, I just can’t stop staring at her and breathing in every fiber of her being. I’m honoring this time by simply being present for it, for her.
I’ve been especially emotional knowing that she’s our last. I’m savoring every single moment of this magical time together–leaning into all the happy tears, feeling all the feels. And perhaps we will celebrate at the end of this retreat because it’s been a beautiful journey worthy of recognition. But first thing’s first, I’m going to soak up all the newborn snuggles I can for the next 28 days.
Feel all the Feels
Belly Bandit’s B.F.F. Belly Wrap — I started using this belly wrap after my third pregnancy and I immediately regretted not using one after the first two babes. I love how well it supports my midsection at all times. When I’m wearing the belly wrap my core feels strong even while it’s healing, that extra bit of compression works wonders!
I am currently wearing mine 24/7 with the Belly Wrap Waist Extender. I also prefer wearing it over a tank top to keep it from possibly irritating my sensitive skin. Even over of a tank top, it’s slim profile makes it easy to wear under a jumper and/or sweater. *Use the code KAUAILIFE10 for a discount!
Earth Mama Organic’s Postpartum Care Products — I’ve been using the following everyday: the Organic Herbal Sitz Bath (to refill a peri bottle with and/or make padsicles with) and the Herbal Perineal Spray for instant cooling relief. *Use the code Kauailife for 20% off through 3/31/21.
Vitamins and Supplements — I’ve officially switched over from Ritual’s Essential Prenatal Vitamins to their brand new Essential Postnatal Vitamins. I enjoy the fact that these are made from 15 traceable ingredients that support the nutrient demands on a new mama with added support for lactation! *Use the code KAUAILIFE10 for 10% off your first three months of any line of Ritual vitamins.
As with the other babes, I’ve also encapsulated my placenta and I’m taking one capsule a day because I’ve personally found that it assists with my healing process and helps regulate my postpartum moods. I like to think of it as my secret weapon for this fourth trimester!
I’ve gotten off social media completely so I am truly happy that you are continuing to blog and share your beautiful journey we call life on your website! I’m currently 34 weeks with my third so I’m feeling all the feels reading this post. The First Forty Days was gifted to me during my second pregnancy and it was my Bible! I am currently rereading that book now again. I can’t agree more with your five insights and everything you said. Bone broth is life… and I can’t wait to try the company you recommended! Congratulations to your growing family! And Neruda, welcome to this world!
Thank you so much and congratulations!! I so wish I had The First Forty Days for my first three babes–what a game changer. Can’t wait to hear what you think about the bone broth. While I’ve mostly been sipping on it, I’d like to start exploring some simple recipes to use it in!